Implementation of port-city interface works (Scopes 1 and 2): partial handover of works on Thursday, May 25
Implementation of port-city interface works – Waterfront redevelopment works in Marina di Carrara – Scopes 1 and 2 – Road maintenance, urban planning and new maritime structural works – Investment 37,000,000 Euros
The project involves the functional and environmental redevelopment of the Waterfront in the port of Marina di Carrara. The planned interventions address all issues related to the port-city interface and involve various project categories, such as structural works, ordinary and special roads, construction and street furniture, railways, maritime and plant engineering works.
The project concerns the construction of a new access gate to the east of the commercial port, and the redevelopment of the road axes of Viale Zaccagna, Viale Giovanni da Verrazzano and Cristoforo Colombo to the intersection with Via Modena. Also planned is a change to the route of the railway, which will be brought inside the port of call and to realize which will require a new crossing that will provide a different entrance for trains. Another novelty is the construction in Viale da Verrazzano of a traffic circle and another bridge leading to the new entrance, which will also have a positive impact on the development of the commercial and tourist induced activities in the area, generating a significant increase in employment in all the sectors involved, such as manufacturing and shipbuilding, as well as allowing the city to enjoy a wide promenade on the sea at the western pier.
The expected duration of the works is 520 natural days from the handover of the construction site.
The contract for the redevelopment of areas 1 and 2 of the Marina di Carrara waterfront was awarded to the business grouping composed of Società Edilizia Tirrena SET SpA – Agnese Costruzioni SpA – Varia Costruzioni SpA – Cav. Emilio Giovetti Srl. The contract was signed on 3/16/2023, and from that date a series of technical meetings aimed at defining the details of the succession of construction phases and their impacts on the surrounding environment began.
On 25/5/2023, the partial handover of the works is scheduled to allow the grouping of companies to carry out a series of preliminary and preparatory activities to the actual execution of the works, Specifically, through the handover in question, the contractor will be able to perform the planned activities of searching for possible war devices in the sites, on land and at sea, of execution of the works, will be able to carry out detailed surveys of the areas and additional investigations on the interfering sub-services, aimed at the better organization of the construction site and the succession of the phases of work, and finally will carry out the ante operam environmental investigation campaign. The described activities will occupy the summer months with the aim of starting construction of the works from late summer 2023.